Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The upcoming missed time in the office

I already have a business trip planned toward week’s end that will take me into the weekend, which means that a lot is having to get done at work in a short period of time to make up for the upcoming missed time in the office. But I’ve become a pro at this, so I won’t even belabor the point. It is what it is—but I’ve learned to manage the speed and frequency of usage of the treadmill I’m on. Last week’s rest was good, and I’m determined to hold onto the healthier regimen that I’ve begun to adopt.

Despite the short week, I do manage to get in my workouts. I’ve come to rely on them as a part of my routine now, and I’m pleased about that. Now, I’ll do whatever I have to do to get those sessions in, because I can appreciate how much they matter. I can’t say workouts are easier, but whenever I think I can’t do a thing, I find that I actually can, where before, it might have been true that I really couldn’t. I’m battling some stiffness at the base of my spine that won’t go away, but Tehera and I are working on doing back rolls (though they hurt, they also help), stretches, and core exercises to make me strong in this area.

While away, I found that I was less than excited about one of the outfits I’d brought along for one of the events. So I decided to make a quick mall run to see if I could get something else. Now, getting bottoms on the fly is not an easy feat for me, since I’m more ample there than anywhere else. But…wait for it…I did find a pair of slacks, and they fit in a smaller size!!!! Two for two on the sizing front! To say I’m now pumped and pleased is an understatement. Hell, maybe I really am doing something right! And even the fact that I had the audacity to THINK I might try a smaller size speaks to the slightly improved self-confidence that I’m beginning to feel about this process. So of course, I had to buy those slacks too. Now I’m wondering what I’ll do when I have to buy ALL new clothes because nothing fits. Being the shopaholic that I am, I’m content—no, happy!—to tackle that bridge when I come to it!

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