Thursday, November 24, 2011

How to work out lower abs?

In case you had to choose one body part you would like to change, you can choose your abs. But how to work out lower abs? The truth is that is the abdomen that is difficult to straighten, no matter how many crunches you do.

It is the dream of many people having a flat tummy and sexy, but you should know that the abdomen is made up of different sets of muscles, including muscles upper, lower and oblique muscles working in unison to facilitate the movement of the upper and lower parts of the body.

What are the methods to work the lower abs: double leg lifts

In case you want to find the best way to work out lower abs, you should lie on your back and place your palms on your buttocks, palms to the floor. Then contract the lower ab muscles while tightening the leg muscles to lift them and hold the position for a few seconds.

During the exercise to work the lower abdominals to reduce them to a few inches above the floor and hold the position again. At first you should do 5-8 sets. Over time, as the abdominal muscles get stronger you can do 15-20 in each set. If you feel you could do even more, also raise your head and shoulders when lifting your legs.
How to work out lower abs with leg rides

For this exercise lie on your back again and place your hands under your butt. Before starting this exercise to work the lower abs you should take a few deep breaths and now contract the lower abdominal muscles and also raise your right leg slowly and steadily, until the leg 90 degrees to the shape of your body .

Lower it at the same pace until you reach a few inches above the ground, and also raise the left leg at the same time. Keep your legs up 8-10 times in the beginning. Later, you can increase the sets of 15-20 repetitions. As in the previous case, as you get stronger, lift your head and shoulder while lifting the legs also.
How to work out lower abs, reverse crunches two legs

For this exercise to work out lower abs you need to lie on your back with hands under your butt. Raise both legs until you reach a vertical position. Then bend your knees so that the bottom will be parallel with the floor. Then contract the lower ab muscles and lower legs to the soles are just a few inches off the ground.

Hold the position for several seconds, keeping the abs contracted. Increasing the contraction in your abs again and bring your legs up towards your chest. Since it is a challenging exercise, you should do 3-4 of them at first, but then you can increase the number of 15-20.

Now that you have a clue how to work the lower abs will be a matter of will and stamina to get the best results.

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